
Online event: “E-invoicing obligation on the home stretch” on December 12th!

The legal basis for electronic invoicing is not only constantly changing in Germany, but also many governments around the world are obliging companies to send and receive e-invoices. Corona has massively slowed down the development of e-billing, and since January the topic has been picking up speed again.

Norway – E-invoicing in the B2G area has been mandatory since the beginning of 2023.

Philippines – Also in January, the introduction of the e-invoicing obligation continued nationwide after the e-invoicing obligation had already been introduced there for the 100 largest companies in the country in 2022.

Luxembourg - Since March 18, 2023, the obligation to send electronic invoices to public administrations has applied nationwide.

Bolivia – From April 2023, Bolivia will begin phasing in e-invoices for certain, select taxpayers.

Slovenia – In Slovenia, the e-invoicing obligation will also be introduced in April 2023 in the B2G area.

Guatemala – In Guatemala there will be a change in e-invoicing from April 2023. This is where e-invoicing becomes mandatory for all taxpayers for all taxpayers.

Egypt – From July 1st, 2023, electronic invoicing will be mandatory in all areas in Egypt. The obligation is currently being introduced there.

Saudi Arabia - Also on July 1, Saudi Arabia will begin the second and final phase of the introduction of the e-invoicing obligation.

South Korea – In South Korea, as of July 1st of this year, the obligation to issue e-invoices will be reduced to sales of KRW 100 million (approx. €73,000).

Japan – In October 2023, the last known change in e-invoicing obligations worldwide will take place in Japan. Starting this month, the creation of e-invoices will become mandatory nationwide.

Many changes to e-invoicing obligations have already been announced worldwide for the years 2024 and 2025. To keep track of all applicable laws and regulations, visit our international e-invoicing obligations overview page:


At GOpus we can currently provide invoice formats for 80 countries worldwide. Further information about our e-invoice solution can be found under the following link:


eInvoiceE-Invoicing on the rise worldwide